Workshop 2

The second workshop session held at the Centre for Foreign Language Teacher Training and European Education, University of Warsaw on 5-6 September 2022.
The main topic of the second workshop was Universal Design for Learning (UDL) and inclusive language assessment. The session began with an exercise during which all participants wore vision-impairing glasses and latex gloves in order to experience some of the struggles shared by persons with disabilities. This helped the team to notice some of the benefits of Universal Design for Learning. Curiously enough, a team member diagnosed with ADHD noticed that partial visual impairment helped them focus instead of being a source of frustration. Such an observation was crucial for the discussion of what makes UDL universal.
Norun Sanderson and Weiqin Chen included a presentation of assistive technology in order for the team to see how UDL addresses varied needs instead of focusing only single adaptations in teaching methods and materials. The types and application of assistive technology were covered in more detail in the presentation given by Agnieszka Bysko who focused on specific guidelines for accessible material design. Those points showed the team the importance of design used in our own publically accessible documentation and the final output of the SCALED project.
Language assessment of persons with varied needs was the main focus of the remaining presentations and discussions. Good practices are the things our team not only reports on, but which we strive to show in practice – namely through the contents and design of the online course. Teachers and educators, who are the target group of the final output, may also have special educational needs and the course design must include those needs. And so, the team has shared their experience and good practices which are already implemented, e.g. on University of Warsaw’s Moodle platform called “Kampus” – as shown by Dorota Sidor and Monika Galbarczyk. Not any less important are the actual contents of the course, which must cover such topics as differentiation in a language classroom, including various needs of students. And since the course will be available online, it must follow certain principles for digital assessment. Those topics were covered by Agnieszka Kałdonek-Crnjaković and Dina Tsagari.
The main output of workshop 1 and 2 is the publically available report on good practices.
Please enjoy the picture gallery illustrating the atmosphere and hard work of the SCALED team during the second workshop.